Bahai inspired life coaching

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Mona, Angel of Shiraz

I came into the Baha'i Faith in 1982, and have been very moved by stories of the martyrs of the Faith ever since, including the story of Mona Mahmudnizhad, a 16 year old who was martyred for her beliefs in 1983. This video is in French but the graphics tell her story very well. Get your kleenex before hitting play!


Anonymous said...

I've seen a play presented that tells Mona's life and death as well and it is a truly moving story.

I'd recommend the play, called "Mona's Dream" to anyone who comes across it as it portrays such courage and devotion from such a young girl.

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering if you mean "A Dress for Mona", which I too have watched on many occasions and own the DVD (I don't usually buy movies - this may be the only one I ever bought!). For those who don't know about it, you can find more information at:

Jack Lenz is putting together a full length movie on Mona called "Mona's Dream". Filming starts in October or November, and you can read more about it at:

Anonymous said...

Haha -- Yes, that is exactly what I mean. "A Dress for Mona!" In her dream she is presented with three dresses. It was so long ago that I saw the play and it sounds like you've watched it lately. Do you know what were the colours of her three dresses and what did they symbolize?

Anonymous said...

The play gets its title from a dream Mona had some months before she went to prison. In the dream, Mona was offered her choice of three dresses: one was red, and it symbolized martyrdom; one was black, it meant a life of sadness and suffering; the third was blue, Mona's favorite color—it stood for a life devoted to serving humanity. In her dream, Mona chose the blue. In her life, Mona eventually chose to wear each of them.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the reminder of her beautiful dream and her noble path of service and sacrifices.